Is Spirulina Farming in Kenya Really Profitable?

How much do you know about Spirulina farming in Kenya? This superfood farming is gaining fast popularity in Kenya due to its numerous health and profit benefits.    Spirulina farming is a growing lucrative and sustainable venture in Kenya. Some of…

Which are the Best Rice Seed Varieties in Kenya

Red, white and other rice types

Are you looking for certified rice seeds to grow on your farm? This post will give you a list of the top 17 rice varieties in Kenya. We will classify them into 3 recommended growing areas; irrigated lowland, rainfed lowland,…

Secrets of How You Can Grow money on trees

bamboo commercial tree farming

Are commercial trees growing in Kenya profitable? In this post, we give you the secrets of tree farming you should know. Tree planting is a profitable agribusiness idea providing jobs and income for millions of Kenyans. Tree planting has many…