How to start vegetable gardens for kids

Vegetable gardens for kids can help urban families to get more foods and incomes. In today’s post, learn how school-going children can start and run a small one from seeding to harvest. It will focus benefits of vegetable gardens for kids and how to make one in recycled containers, eggshells or bottles. Five counties in…

Best Vine Vegetables for your organic home garden

While selecting the best vegetables to grow, choose the crop with the most benefits for yields, food and nutrition. One way to get this right is growing a garden plant that you can use its different parts like shoots, fruits and roots. Vine vegetables are a crop you should try this season. In our post,…

Agri-COVID Vegetable Gardens for Kids during Lockdown

In a normal school calendar, learners would be in their second week of August holidays. Today, students in Kenya are on their sixth month of zero structured learning. It is a similar scenario in over 100 countries, there are some which have suspended the entire 2020 school calendar to curb COVID-19 Pandemic. These long breaks…

Will COVID-19 have a good impact on food markets

Every cloud has a silver lining. This is true to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. To date, the viral disease has affected over 1.3 million people in over 200 countries according to the John Hopkins COVID-19 tracker. In Kenya, there are 184 confirmed cases, 7…

Which are the best vegetables for your kitchen garden

Are you looking for the best vegetables in a small space like a kitchen garden, sack garden or containers like buckets. You can grow leafy vegetables for their edible leaves. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrients. You can consume them when they are cooked , steamed or raw in case…

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