Pretty little flower garden in the countryside filled with varied vegetables under the summer sun

Why Companion Planting is the best Pest control Method

In this guide, we’ll discuss the dangers of chemical pesticides, promote safer alternatives, and introduce you to companion planting—the best method of pest control. We’ll also provide a handy table of which vegetables grow well together and which to avoid pairing.

A picture of a fall armyworm caterpillar on a maize crop whorl

How to get rid of Fall armyworms

Learn how to control Fall Armyworms pests in your maize, wheat, or rice farms. The post has a list of the best pesticides for managing FAW in Kenya and other cheap traditional methods

profitable maize farming

Tips for profitable maize farming in Kenya

This article explores the challenges maize farming in Kenya farmers must overcome to make profits. It gives some solutions to mitigate the worst risks at the end of this post. An example is soil testing and crop insurance to deal…

Kales and cabbage farming aphids pests

How to control aphids from your plants permanently

Aphids cause farmers a lot of financial and yield loss. You can control and prevent their outbreak in your land by observing hygienic gardening practices (GAPS) like precise irrigation. There are various natural methods and products for their control like the neem oil, diatomaceous earth or washing them off with clean water as outlined

emergency food storage facilities using hermetic cocoons

How to Store Whole Grains, Beans, Corn, Rice for Years

How can grain farmers, traders and consumers reduce food losses to pests and bad weather? Explore 3 cheap ideas. These are hermetic bags, airtight containers, metallic and plastic hermetic silos. You will also limit the use of toxic pesticides and preservatives